# AST utilities

# getFunctionHeadLocation

const loc = utils.getFunctionHeadLocation(node, sourceCode);

Get the proper location of a given function node to report.

Show the location examples:
- `function foo() {}`
- `(function foo() {})`
- `(function() {})`
- `function* foo() {}`
- `(function* foo() {})`
- `(function*() {})`
- `() => {}`
- `async () => {}`
- `({ foo: function foo() {} })`
- `({ foo: function() {} })`
- `({ ['foo']: function() {} })`
- `({ [foo]: function() {} })`
- `({ foo() {} })`
- `({ foo: function* foo() {} })`
- `({ foo: function*() {} })`
- `({ ['foo']: function*() {} })`
- `({ [foo]: function*() {} })`
- `({ *foo() {} })`
- `({ foo: async function foo() {} })`
- `({ foo: async function() {} })`
- `({ ['foo']: async function() {} })`
- `({ [foo]: async function() {} })`
- `({ async foo() {} })`
- `({ get foo() {} })`
- `({ set foo(a) {} })`
- `class A { constructor() {} }`
- `class A { foo() {} }`
- `class A { *foo() {} }`
- `class A { async foo() {} }`
- `class A { ['foo']() {} }`
- `class A { *['foo']() {} }`
- `class A { async ['foo']() {} }`
- `class A { [foo]() {} }`
- `class A { *[foo]() {} }`
- `class A { async [foo]() {} }`
- `class A { get foo() {} }`
- `class A { set foo(a) {} }`
- `class A { static foo() {} }`
- `class A { static *foo() {} }`
- `class A { static async foo() {} }`
- `class A { static get foo() {} }`
- `class A { static set foo(a) {} }`
- `class A { #foo() {} }`
- `class A { *#foo() {} }`
- `class A { async #foo() {} }`
- `class A { get #foo() {} }`
- `class A { set #foo(a) {} }`
- `class A { static #foo() {} }`
- `class A { static *#foo() {} }`
- `class A { static async #foo() {} }`
- `class A { static get #foo() {} }`
- `class A { static set #foo(a) {} }`
- `class A { foo = function() {} }`
- `class A { foo = function*() {} }`
- `class A { foo = async function() {} }`
- `class A { static foo = function() {} }`
- `class A { static foo = function*() {} }`
- `class A { static foo = async function() {} }`
- `class A { #foo = function() {} }`
- `class A { #foo = function*() {} }`
- `class A { #foo = async function() {} }`
- `class A { static #foo = function() {} }`
- `class A { static #foo = function*() {} }`
- `class A { static #foo = async function() {} }`

# Parameters

Name Type Description
node Node The function node to get the location. This should be any of FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression, and ArrowFunctionExpression node.
sourceCode SourceCode The source code object to get tokens.

# Return value

The location object.

# Example


const { getFunctionHeadLocation } = require("eslint-utils")

module.exports = {
    meta: {},
    create(context) {
        const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode()

        return {
            FunctionDeclaration(node) {
                    loc: getFunctionHeadLocation(node, sourceCode),
                    message: "disallow this function!",

# getFunctionNameWithKind

const name = utils.getFunctionNameWithKind(node);

Get the name and kind of a given function node.

Show the name and kind examples:
- `function foo() {}`  ............................... `function 'foo'`
- `(function foo() {})`  ............................. `function 'foo'`
- `(function() {})`  ................................. `function`
- `function* foo() {}`  .............................. `generator function 'foo'`
- `(function* foo() {})`  ............................ `generator function 'foo'`
- `(function*() {})`  ................................ `generator function`
- `() => {}`  ........................................ `arrow function`
- `async () => {}`  .................................. `async arrow function`
- `const foo = () => {}`  ............................ `arrow function 'foo'`
- `const foo = async () => {}`  ...................... `async arrow function 'foo'`
- `foo = () => {}`  .................................. `arrow function 'foo'`
- `foo = async () => {}`  ............................ `async arrow function 'foo'`
- `const foo = function() {}`  ....................... `function 'foo'`
- `const foo = function* () {}`  ..................... `generator function 'foo'`
- `const foo = async function() {}`  ................. `async function 'foo'`
- `foo = function() {}`  ............................. `function 'foo'`
- `foo = function* () {}`  ........................... `generator function 'foo'`
- `foo = async function() {}`  ....................... `async function 'foo'`
- `({ foo: function foo() {} })`  .................... `method 'foo'`
- `({ foo: function() {} })`  ........................ `method 'foo'`
- `({ ['foo']: function() {} })`  .................... `method 'foo'`
- `({ [foo]: function() {} })`  ...................... `method`
- `({ [foo]: function() {} })`  ...................... `method [foo]` if sourceCode is present.
- `({ foo() {} })`  .................................. `method 'foo'`
- `({ foo: function* foo() {} })`  ................... `generator method 'foo'`
- `({ foo: function*() {} })`  ....................... `generator method 'foo'`
- `({ ['foo']: function*() {} })`  ................... `generator method 'foo'`
- `({ [foo]: function*() {} })`  ..................... `generator method`
- `({ [foo]: function*() {} })`  ..................... `generator method [foo]` if sourceCode is present.
- `({ *foo() {} })`  ................................. `generator method 'foo'`
- `({ foo: async function foo() {} })`  .............. `async method 'foo'`
- `({ foo: async function() {} })`  .................. `async method 'foo'`
- `({ ['foo']: async function() {} })`  .............. `async method 'foo'`
- `({ [foo]: async function() {} })`  ................ `async method`
- `({ [foo]: async function() {} })`  ................ `async method [foo]` if sourceCode is present.
- `({ async foo() {} })`  ............................ `async method 'foo'`
- `({ get foo() {} })`  .............................. `getter 'foo'`
- `({ set foo(a) {} })`  ............................. `setter 'foo'`
- `class A { constructor() {} }`  .................... `constructor`
- `class A { foo() {} }`  ............................ `method 'foo'`
- `class A { *foo() {} }`  ........................... `generator method 'foo'`
- `class A { async foo() {} }`  ...................... `async method 'foo'`
- `class A { ['foo']() {} }`  ........................ `method 'foo'`
- `class A { *['foo']() {} }`  ....................... `generator method 'foo'`
- `class A { async ['foo']() {} }`  .................. `async method 'foo'`
- `class A { [foo]() {} }`  .......................... `method`
- `class A { [foo]() {} }`  .......................... `method [foo]` if sourceCode is present.
- `class A { *[foo]() {} }`  ......................... `generator method`
- `class A { *[foo]() {} }`  ......................... `generator method [foo]` if sourceCode is present.
- `class A { async [foo]() {} }`  .................... `async method`
- `class A { async [foo]() {} }`  .................... `async method [foo]` if sourceCode is present.
- `class A { get foo() {} }`  ........................ `getter 'foo'`
- `class A { set foo(a) {} }`  ....................... `setter 'foo'`
- `class A { static foo() {} }`  ..................... `static method 'foo'`
- `class A { static *foo() {} }`  .................... `static generator method 'foo'`
- `class A { static async foo() {} }`  ............... `static async method 'foo'`
- `class A { static get foo() {} }`  ................. `static getter 'foo'`
- `class A { static set foo(a) {} }`  ................ `static setter 'foo'`
- `class A { #foo() {} }`  ........................... `private method #foo`
- `class A { '#foo'() {} }`  ......................... `method '#foo'`
- `class A { *#foo() {} }`  .......................... `private generator method #foo`
- `class A { async #foo() {} }`  ..................... `private async method #foo`
- `class A { get #foo() {} }`  ....................... `private getter #foo`
- `class A { set #foo(a) {} }`  ...................... `private setter #foo`
- `class A { static #foo() {} }`  .................... `static private method #foo`
- `class A { static *#foo() {} }`  ................... `static private generator method #foo`
- `class A { static async #foo() {} }`  .............. `static private async method #foo`
- `class A { static get #foo() {} }`  ................ `static private getter #foo`
- `class A { static set #foo(a) {} }`  ............... `static private setter #foo`
- `class A { '#foo' = function() {} }`  .............. `method '#foo'"`
- `class A { #foo = function() {} }`  ................ `private method #foo"`
- `class A { #foo = function*() {} }`  ............... `private generator method #foo"`
- `class A { #foo = async function() {} }`  .......... `private async method #foo"`
- `class A { static #foo = function() {} }`  ......... `static private method #foo"`
- `class A { static #foo = function*() {} }`  ........ `static private generator method #foo"`
- `class A { static #foo = async function() {} }`  ... `static private async method #foo"`

# Parameters

Name Type Description
node Node The function node to get the name and kind. This should be any of FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression, and ArrowFunctionExpression node.
sourceCode SourceCode Optional. The source code object to get the text of computed property keys.

# Return value

The name and kind of the function.

# Example


const { getFunctionNameWithKind } = require("eslint-utils")

module.exports = {
    meta: {},
    create(context) {
        const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode()

        return {
            FunctionDeclaration(node) {
                    message: "disallow this {{name}}!",
                    data: { name: getFunctionNameWithKind(node, sourceCode) }

# getPropertyName

const name = utils.getPropertyName(node);
const name = utils.getPropertyName(node, initialScope);

Get the property name of a given property node.

If the node is a computed property, this tries to compute the property name by the getStringIfConstant function.

# Parameters

Name Type Description
node Node The node to get that name. This shuld be any of MemberExpression, Property, MethodDefinition, and PropertyDefinition node.
initialScope Scope or undefined Optional. The scope object to find variables.

# Return value

The property name of the node. If the property name is not constant then it returns null.

# Example


const { getPropertyName } = require("eslint-utils")

module.exports = {
    meta: {},
    create(context) {
        return {
            MemberExpression(node) {
                const name = getPropertyName(node, context.getScope())

# getStaticValue

const ret1 = utils.getStaticValue(node);
const ret2 = utils.getStaticValue(node, initialScope);

Get the value of a given node if it can decide the value statically.

If the 2nd parameter initialScope was given, this function tries to resolve identifier references which are in the given node as much as possible. In the resolving way, it does on the assumption that built-in global objects have not been modified. For example, it considers Symbol.iterator, String.raw`hello`, and Object.freeze({a: 1}).a as static.

For another complex example, this function can evaluate the following cases on AST:


const eventName = "click"
const aMap = Object.freeze({
    click: 777

;`on${eventName} : ${aMap[eventName]}` // evaluated to "onclick : 777"

# Parameters

Name Type Description
node Node The node to get that the value.
initialScope Scope or undefined Optional. The scope object to find variables.

# Return value

The { value: any } shaped object. The value property is the static value.

If it couldn't compute the static value of the node, it returns null.

# Example


const { getStaticValue } = require("eslint-utils")

module.exports = {
    meta: {},
    create(context) {
        return {
            ExpressionStatement(node) {
                const evaluated = getStaticValue(node, context.getScope())
                if (evaluated) {
                    const staticValue = evaluated.value
                    // ...

# getStringIfConstant

const str1 = utils.getStringIfConstant(node);
const str2 = utils.getStringIfConstant(node, initialScope);

Get the string value of a given node.

This function is a tiny wrapper of the getStaticValue function. I.e., this is the same as below:

function getStringIfConstant(node, initialScope) {
  const evaluated = getStaticValue(node, initialScope);
  return evaluated && String(evaluated.value);

# hasSideEffect

const ret = utils.hasSideEffect(node, sourceCode, options);

Check whether a given node has any side effect or not.

The side effect means that it may modify a certain variable or object member. This function considers the node which contains the following types as the node which has side effects:

  • AssignmentExpression
  • AwaitExpression
  • CallExpression
  • ImportExpression
  • NewExpression
  • UnaryExpression ([operator = "delete"])
  • UpdateExpression
  • YieldExpression
  • When options.considerGetters is true:
    • MemberExpression
  • When options.considerImplicitTypeConversion is true:
    • BinaryExpression ([operator = "==" | "!=" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" | "<<" | ">>" | ">>>" | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "|" | "^" | "&" | "in"])
    • MemberExpression ([computed = true])
    • MethodDefinition ([computed = true])
    • Property ([computed = true])
    • PropertyDefinition ([computed = true])
    • UnaryExpression ([operator = "-" | "+" | "!" | "~"])

# Parameters

Name Type Description
node Node The node to check.
sourceCode SourceCode The source code object to get visitor keys.
options.considerGetters boolean Default is false. If true then it considers member accesses as the node which has side effects.
options.considerImplicitTypeConversion boolean Default is false. If true then it considers implicit type conversion as the node which has side effects.

# Return value

true if the node has a certain side effect.

# Example


const { hasSideEffect } = require("eslint-utils")

module.exports = {
    meta: {},
    create(context) {
        const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode()
        return {
            ":expression"(node) {
                if (hasSideEffect(node, sourceCode)) {
                    // ...

# isParenthesized

const ret1 = utils.isParenthesized(times, node, sourceCode);
const ret2 = utils.isParenthesized(node, sourceCode);

Check whether a given node is parenthesized or not.

This function detects it correctly even if it's parenthesized by specific syntax.

// those `a` are not parenthesized.
new C(a);
if (a) {
switch (a) {
while (a) {}
do {} while (a);
with (a) {

// those `b` are parenthesized.
new C(b);
if (b) {
switch (b) {
while (b) {}
do {} while (b);
with (b) {

# Parameters

Name Type Description
times number Optional. The number of redundant parenthesized. Default is 1.
node Node The node to check.
sourceCode SourceCode The source code object to get tokens.

# Return value

true if the node is parenthesized.

If times was given, it returns true only if the node is parenthesized the times times. For example, isParenthesized(2, node, sourceCode) returns true for ((foo)), but not for (foo).

# Example


const { isParenthesized } = require("eslint-utils")

module.exports = {
    meta: {},
    create(context) {
        const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode()
        return {
            ":expression"(node) {
                if (isParenthesized(node, sourceCode)) {
                    // ...

# PatternMatcher class

const matcher = new utils.PatternMatcher(pattern, options);

The class to find a pattern in strings as handling escape sequences.

It ignores the found pattern if it's escaped with \.

# Parameters

Name Type Description
pattern RegExp The regular expression pattern to find.
options.escaped boolean Optional. Default is false. If true then this matches to escaped patterns.

# matcher.execAll

const iterator = matcher.execAll(str);

Iterate all matched parts in a given string.

# Parameters

Name Type Description
str string The string to find this pattern.

# Return value

The generator which iterates RegExpExecArray (opens new window) object.

# Example


const { PatternMatcher } = require("eslint-utils")
const matcher = new PatternMatcher(/\(\?<[_$\w]/g)

module.exports = {
    meta: {},
    create(context) {
        return {
            "Literal[regex]"(node) {
                for (const { index } of matcher.execAll(node.regex.pattern)) {
                        loc: {
                            line: node.loc.start.line,
                            column: node.loc.start.column + index
                        message: "ES2018 RegExp named capture groups",

# matcher.test

const matched = matcher.test(str);

Check whether this pattern matches a given string or not.

# Parameters

Name Type Description
str string The string to find this pattern.

# Return value

true if this pattern matched the string.

# Example


const { PatternMatcher } = require("eslint-utils")
const matcher = new PatternMatcher(/\(\?<[_$\w]/g)

module.exports = {
    meta: {},
    create(context) {
        return {
            "Literal[regex]"(node) {
                if (matcher.test(node.regex.pattern)) {
                        message: "RegExp has ES2018 named capture groups",

# matcher[Symbol.replace]

const replacedStr = str.replace(matcher, replacer);

Replace all matched parts by a given replacer.

# Parameters

Name Type Description
str string The string to be replaced.
replacer string or function The string or function to replace each matched part. This is the same as the 2nd parameter of String.prototype.replace (opens new window).

# Return value

The replaced result.

# Example


const { PatternMatcher } = require("eslint-utils")
const matcher = new PatternMatcher(/\\p{Script=Greek}/g)

module.exports = {
    meta: {},
    create(context) {
        return {
            "Literal[regex]"(node) {
                const replacedPattern = node.regex.pattern.replace(